Friday, November 10, 2006

Here we go again!

Well, the elections are over and a new path will be taken by our dutifully elected officials. What that path will be is not completely known but one thing is for sure - it won't be pretty. New rules, regulations, taxes, blame-gaming, less security and the resultant less freedom for citizens of the United States is gauranteed. It is the nature of government to do such things and you can bet your life we will have it in spades for at least the next two years.

How do we know this? Get off your butt and sit down (pretty crafty,huh?) and do the research into the history of the nature and direction of our government for the last 100 years. There is not one sign that the soon-to-be ruling party in Congress will not drive us deeper into the pit started a century ago that mandates greater control over the populace. The party of choice and freedom will do everything in its power to take more choice and freedom from us all. Not that the soon-to-be minority party has done its duty in stopping the path to "1984" but at least they do it slower and with less aplomb.

And how does this relate to "If something doesn't work for everyone, it can't work for anyone?" Gee, let's see. Can you think of anything, ANYTHING, that the Democrats have done, EVER, that was not targeted to some relatively narrow group of special interests? You can't, because none exists. I challenge any being in the universe to provide one example of something the Democrats have done that benefitted every citizen. Taxes, enviro-religion, discrimination (usually referred to as anti or non-discrimination), abortion, homosexuality, homeland security (or non-security) etc. are the realm of issues that the Dems must control in order to remain in power. Considering that the only sectors listed that they can legally influence are taxes and security, Dems had no choice but to use judicial fiat to get a foothold into the rest. (Side argument: I'm black [Afro-American cannot be used unless you embrace and use the term Euro-American for all white folk] and I and my ancestors were terribly discriminated against. Answer: Then for what purpose other than self-aggrandizement didn't you just invoke the Constitution and the laws already on the books concerning "All men are created equal".)

Seeing as almost "everyone" can't be bothered with what's right for "anyone", especially since they can only focus on one issue - themselves, the Dems only have to appeal to small segments of the population at a time. They don't have to satisfy everyone. They only have to satisfy the selfish desires of a bunch of narcissistic minority groups. Add 'em all up and you have a winning combination. The big picture was painted over a long time ago. What was supposed to be the Mona Lisa is nothing more than an ape painting now. A smorgasbord of lowest common denominators in commonsense and morality is all that the Dems and their see-no-evil media counterparts can address. Either blindness (ignorance), insanity (mental instability) or evil (complete selfishness) controls today's Democratic (sic) society.

Mark these next few statements well, they will come to pass by 2008. The economy will tank at least to some degree. Our situation in Iraq will worsen. Crime overall will rise. Terrorist attacks worldwide will rise. Immorality such as homesexuality and abortion will make a stronger foothold in our society. Lieberals (liberals) will blame everything on a Republican White House and insist they had nothing to do with any of it. And more people of this once great country will forget that "If something doesn't work for everyone, it can't work for anyone."

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