Ah, the progressive Western World. The advancements in health, wealth and technology are nothing short of miraculous. One area moves forward and another runs along nipping at its heels. What a wonderous thing. But wait, there is a fly in the ointment. Shouldn't morality and care for the plight of others follow right along with these steps into the future? Of course they should. So what the heck happened?
Like a tree or a ladder or a building for that matter, you first must have a root, base or foundation to start from. The only way the Western World has been able to accomplish what is has is through the thoughts and actions that they were built on. Morality, teamwork, freedom and generousity are what created the foundations of the modern world. Without the basic framework of simple rules that apply to and work for everyone, things like the Ten Commandments, mankind could not possibly prosper. Even if you are not religeous, in other words drop the first three commandments, you end up with a pretty good guide of what works for everyone. Simple, concise and only seven things to remember. It doesn't get much easier than that. But wait! I want and/or deserve an exception to one of those rules. Here we go with that mindless narcissistic garbage again.
Like a "progressive" Democrat, the oh-so-intelligent man just has to find a way beyond the confines of those oh-so-ancient rules that got us here in the first place. They're limiting our wants and desires, after all. Everyone knows that abortion is a safe, and legal, way to get rid of an unwanted child. [Side argument: But it's not a child. It's only a mass of unwanted cells. Answer: (one take) What other mass of unwanted cells would anyone ever remove from their body, excepting vain plastic surgery, cancer or disease. Especially ones that you made a conscious, although "feeling" riddled, decision to take the chance of creating in the first place. And please don't embarass yourself trying to make the case about the nearly non-existant pregnancies through rape and incest.http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=pregnancies+through+rape+and+incest&fr=yfp-t-501&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8 ] Actions have consequences. Following a few simple rules keeps you in the clear of having to make decisions you don't really want to make if you like to save a lot of anguish in your life. The simple fact of the matter is so many choose to make lousy decisions and then refuse to take responsibility for them. News flash: Everyone makes lousy choices sometimes.
The few rules and traditions that have existed since man first walked on this hallowed earth are the basis for where we have come to today. It's good to be progressive. But not in the sense of giving up any or all the rock solid incontrovertable rules it took to get here. They are actually so few and so simple that it takes no special intelligence to figure them out. You only have to look at them from the aspect of what will happen if everyone makes the same exceptions to the rules that you do. Untimately all you can expect is chaos and anarchy in society. If you look around at everyone, from individuals to governments, you can't help but see that path is being run down with great speed and determination. There are no acceptable exceptions to the rules.
"We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness..." This can only happen if what works for one can work for everyone. Every time one ego decides to make an exception he is tacitly giving permission and justification to another ego's entitlement to their exception. Rocket science or brain surgery education is not required to understand this. A very small amount of fact based reasoning and a little bit of looking ever so slightly into the future is all it takes. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is just too simple and uncomplicated for the modern progressive mind, I guess. And it's only because "If something doesn't work for everyone, it can't work for anyone."
Friday, October 27, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Simple example
To clarify the statement "If something doesn't work for everyone, it can't work for anyone" let's start with a simple example. We'll address a major issue facing mankind's survival and prosperity - homosexuality. This one is outrageously simple to grasp for all except the severely mentally ill. If everyone was homosexual the human race would cease to exist. Duh!
What gets me is that this is so blatantly obvious and you still have people devoting their lives to trying to justify it. New Jersey just showed its lack of backbone in their Supreme Court by waffling the issue back to the legislature. Massachusetts has it legalized from the marriage aspect. I beg all faggots and lesies out there to please move to Massachusetts and get married. It may take a few years, but we won't have to worry about the population or social demographics of the state in a relatively short period of time. [Side argument: I take exception to and consider it derogatory that you used the term "faggot". Answer: Hey, if it's okay for you to use the term among yourselves in public for everyone to hear then you just gave permission for anyone to use the term. Your only recourse is to explain "what the definition of is is."] There is simply no logical fact based reasoning that can justify the propagation and acceptance of homosexuality. It is no more than social cyanide poisoning.
If people just took a few moments and looked to the future, even in the short run, so many societal ills would vanish into thin air. Homosexuality is no more than complete immediate self gratification. There is no shortage of excuses for why certain people end up that way. But the key term here is "excuses". No human exists that has not had to work hard to overcome aspects of their personality and inclinations that were not in tune with normal society as a whole. Lying, cheating, stealing, laziness, complete self gratification and murder are issues that pretty much everyone deals with heavily at least sometime in their lives. It is safe to say that every law, rule and regulation that exists in the world is directly related to those six areas of human proclivity.
A lot of the troubles that foment between individuals and cultures are no more than semantic playing with the definitions of the terms above. Hell, the only reason lawyers exist is to twist words. So many people want to distort the eons old meaning of things so they can have what they want when they want it. Their egos are so overwhelming they feel entitled to an exception no matter how unfair and hurtful to humanity as a whole. Homosexuality equals human extinction - period. No "Well I'm different", no "I can't help the way I feel", no "So many others are doing it" and no "It just feels soooo good" is acceptable as a reason for pursuing something that will ultimately destroy civilization. Those are all self-centric statements. Shut your mouth, control your feelings and start using your gift of factual truthful reasoning. And, above all else, remember that "If something doesn't work for everyone, it can't work for anyone."
What gets me is that this is so blatantly obvious and you still have people devoting their lives to trying to justify it. New Jersey just showed its lack of backbone in their Supreme Court by waffling the issue back to the legislature. Massachusetts has it legalized from the marriage aspect. I beg all faggots and lesies out there to please move to Massachusetts and get married. It may take a few years, but we won't have to worry about the population or social demographics of the state in a relatively short period of time. [Side argument: I take exception to and consider it derogatory that you used the term "faggot". Answer: Hey, if it's okay for you to use the term among yourselves in public for everyone to hear then you just gave permission for anyone to use the term. Your only recourse is to explain "what the definition of is is."] There is simply no logical fact based reasoning that can justify the propagation and acceptance of homosexuality. It is no more than social cyanide poisoning.
If people just took a few moments and looked to the future, even in the short run, so many societal ills would vanish into thin air. Homosexuality is no more than complete immediate self gratification. There is no shortage of excuses for why certain people end up that way. But the key term here is "excuses". No human exists that has not had to work hard to overcome aspects of their personality and inclinations that were not in tune with normal society as a whole. Lying, cheating, stealing, laziness, complete self gratification and murder are issues that pretty much everyone deals with heavily at least sometime in their lives. It is safe to say that every law, rule and regulation that exists in the world is directly related to those six areas of human proclivity.
A lot of the troubles that foment between individuals and cultures are no more than semantic playing with the definitions of the terms above. Hell, the only reason lawyers exist is to twist words. So many people want to distort the eons old meaning of things so they can have what they want when they want it. Their egos are so overwhelming they feel entitled to an exception no matter how unfair and hurtful to humanity as a whole. Homosexuality equals human extinction - period. No "Well I'm different", no "I can't help the way I feel", no "So many others are doing it" and no "It just feels soooo good" is acceptable as a reason for pursuing something that will ultimately destroy civilization. Those are all self-centric statements. Shut your mouth, control your feelings and start using your gift of factual truthful reasoning. And, above all else, remember that "If something doesn't work for everyone, it can't work for anyone."
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
In the beginning...
I almost hate to write a whole lot in this space. The fact is, the more people talk the more they are trying to get something over on someone else. But since so many people depend on running their mouths so much to get their personal convoluted ideas across, I guess I'll have to dance with the devil a little so we all can get back to where we, humankind, belong.
There is only one guiding principle that governs and directs the continuity of mankind. Anything and everything else just clouds the issues and creates selfish hate and dissention. That said, here's what it is all about:
If something doesn't work for everyone, it can't work for anyone.
Oh my God, the howls of dissention and disagreement are deafening. Stop already. Think. Shut your selfish little mouth for a second and use that grey matter between your ears. Turn those totally self centered instinctual feelings off. They will do you no good when it is only the reasoning side of your brain, being or soul that can be used to understand the above overwhelmingly obvious statement. It's not the "feelings" that we have that define us a human beings but the power of reason that separates us from all other living things. So get over your feelings about things and put that super computer housed inside your skull to work, for your well being and that of your neighbor also.
With that out of the way let's get to the meat of the statement "If something doesn't work for everyone, it can't work for anyone." In a word it's "commonsense." I know that word has so many meanings to so many people today that it is almost worthless when people use it. But that's because it gets so wrapped up with what someone feels. Sorry to disappoint you but commonsense is based strictly on facts. No feelings allowed! Feelings are no more than opinions and we know the old saying about opinions. :-) The garbage about everyone having their own truths makes about as much sense as saying water isn't wet. [Side arguement: Well what about ice and steam - they're water aren't they? Answer: They are "states" of water at certain temperatures and pressures. That's why intelligent man assigned them different names other than "water".] The only excuse for different truths, and hence a lack of commonsense, is to escape the bounds of fact so that the results suit what you want to feel under the limited set of criteria you choose to use at the moment.
Commonsense dictates that you take all the available facts and use them to come up with a solution that best suits the situation. Because we are human, and are actually severely limited in our ability to gather all possible information on a given subject, we can only make a best case guess as to what the answer will be. Sometimes the best case solution is saying "I don't know" and let it go at that. But because we "feel" we have to come up with an answer (e.g. politics), rash decisions are made about things that have negative rippling effects throughout society. If we just followed "If something doesn't work for everyone, it can't work for anyone", and everyone actually believed that to be true, we wouldn't really need to gather all the facts. Our answer would be self evident and a solution would be had. Unfortunately, selfish little minds are constantly trying to find ways of getting what they want for their own selfish reasons instead of looking at the big picture of society and humankind as a whole. They want what they want and damn anyone that gets in the path of them acquiring it. Egotistical and narcissistic♦ behavior has become the rule instead of the exception.
This should be enough to get people cranked up for now. We'll continue this soon. Remember though:
If something doesn't work for everyone, it can't work for anyone.
There is only one guiding principle that governs and directs the continuity of mankind. Anything and everything else just clouds the issues and creates selfish hate and dissention. That said, here's what it is all about:
If something doesn't work for everyone, it can't work for anyone.
Oh my God, the howls of dissention and disagreement are deafening. Stop already. Think. Shut your selfish little mouth for a second and use that grey matter between your ears. Turn those totally self centered instinctual feelings off. They will do you no good when it is only the reasoning side of your brain, being or soul that can be used to understand the above overwhelmingly obvious statement. It's not the "feelings" that we have that define us a human beings but the power of reason that separates us from all other living things. So get over your feelings about things and put that super computer housed inside your skull to work, for your well being and that of your neighbor also.
With that out of the way let's get to the meat of the statement "If something doesn't work for everyone, it can't work for anyone." In a word it's "commonsense." I know that word has so many meanings to so many people today that it is almost worthless when people use it. But that's because it gets so wrapped up with what someone feels. Sorry to disappoint you but commonsense is based strictly on facts. No feelings allowed! Feelings are no more than opinions and we know the old saying about opinions. :-) The garbage about everyone having their own truths makes about as much sense as saying water isn't wet. [Side arguement: Well what about ice and steam - they're water aren't they? Answer: They are "states" of water at certain temperatures and pressures. That's why intelligent man assigned them different names other than "water".] The only excuse for different truths, and hence a lack of commonsense, is to escape the bounds of fact so that the results suit what you want to feel under the limited set of criteria you choose to use at the moment.
Commonsense dictates that you take all the available facts and use them to come up with a solution that best suits the situation. Because we are human, and are actually severely limited in our ability to gather all possible information on a given subject, we can only make a best case guess as to what the answer will be. Sometimes the best case solution is saying "I don't know" and let it go at that. But because we "feel" we have to come up with an answer (e.g. politics), rash decisions are made about things that have negative rippling effects throughout society. If we just followed "If something doesn't work for everyone, it can't work for anyone", and everyone actually believed that to be true, we wouldn't really need to gather all the facts. Our answer would be self evident and a solution would be had. Unfortunately, selfish little minds are constantly trying to find ways of getting what they want for their own selfish reasons instead of looking at the big picture of society and humankind as a whole. They want what they want and damn anyone that gets in the path of them acquiring it. Egotistical and narcissistic♦ behavior has become the rule instead of the exception.
This should be enough to get people cranked up for now. We'll continue this soon. Remember though:
If something doesn't work for everyone, it can't work for anyone.
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